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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the mandate of Linnaea Farm Society?
    The mission of the Linnaea Farm Society is to use Linnaea Farm to teach, demonstrate and develop the values and practical skills of ecological land stewardship for the benefit of the Cortes Island community and the people who come to the farm to learn, thereby strengthening the relationship between community and land.
  • What are the objectives of Linnaea Farm?
    To realize the beliefs inherent in our Mission Statement by fulfilling the following objectives: 1) Through teaching we promote values and impart skills and knowledge that will lead people toward a sustainable life. This objective is met through: Short Term Workshops, Camps and Programs By offering short-term workshops, camps and programs for adults and teens, we teach a variety of skills in areas of food production, hand-crafting, and sustainable living. 2) Through demonstration and development of ecologically based projects and activities on Linnaea Farm we provide a vision and a model of sustainable living to the Cortes community and to our students and visitors. This objective is met through: • The Production Garden By providing a working model of co-operative organic gardening and local marketing practices, we demonstrate sustainable farming practices. • Permaculture Design By using Permaculture principles in the design of house sites in the residential zone, as well as several gardens, orchards and pastures, we demonstrate sustainable homesteading skills. • Linnaea Farm Covenants The covenants protecting Linnaea Farm lands provide a working model that demonstrate ecological stewardship through a legal framework for protection of organic agriculture, protected area, forestry zones and residential areas. • Linnaea Farm Protected Zones By protecting ecological sensitive areas through limiting and/or eliminating human activity within these zones, we demonstrate ecological stewardship and the value of preserving wild lands.
  • What's the Linnaea Farm Food Security Guild all about?
    We need to create, as much as possible, food sovereignty at a local level. The objective of the Linnaea Farm food guild is to provide fresh food, educational activity and farm access to our members. To participate in the Linnaea Farm guild, you become a member and make an upfront investment to secure credit for our new Online Farm Market, which will provide farm fresh food and goods on a weekly basis. You decide what your budget is, make your investment which can later be topped up as the season progresses. A variety of payment plans are available. Each week via email, you receive an order form describing what farm goods are available and the work-bees that are scheduled. Pick up days are typically a Wednesday at Linnaea Farm. Your investment supports the livelihood of a local farm that is committed to the continuation of building regenerative food systems and sharing knowledge with the Cortes Island Community.
  • How can I get involved?
    Interested in volunteering? Want to spend a season as an intern on the farm and immerse yourself in farm life? Send us an email to find out what we're currently offering!
  • Do you have any educational videos?
    Check out the Farmout Broadcast! You'll see a variety of videos throughout the season with Production Garden manager Adam Schick


PO Box 209

Mansons Landing, BC

V0P 1K0

Charity #140416355RR0001

Society # S-27497

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