About Us
Linnaea Farm Society was established in 1991 in order to bring local control to the projects and activities taking place on Linnaea Farm, and as a support and monitoring agency for the resident stewards. Linnaea Farm serves to teach, demonstrate and develop values and practical skills for ecological land stewardship for the benefit of Cortes islanders and others who come to the farm to learn, thereby strengthening the relationship between community and land.The Board of Directors ensures that all activities taking place on the land are properly monitored and fall within the Linnaea Farm Conservation Covenants.The Linnaea Farm Stewards are a diverse group of people with varying backgrounds and values. Common belief in the principles of land trusting, a deep respect for the land, and a belief in the purposes of the LFS constitution provide the ongoing framework for all of our activities. Haying, maintenance of farm equipment, milking and other farm activities, as well as the day-to-day organization and operation of the farm and the operation of LFS projects are the responsibility of the Linnaea Farm Stewards.
The vitality of the farm and the smooth operation of LFS projects are largely the result of the combined talentsand energy of the Linnaea Farm Stewards.